Certified Paramedical Restorative Artist
Realistic Areola Restoration is fast becoming an in-demand specialty for Breast Cancer Survivors everywhere. As the number of successfully treated patients increases, so does the amount of brave survivors ready for the final stages of their healing journey. The psychological trauma that accompanies even successful treatment, along with varying degrees of scarring, and permanent body changes, can often require much more than a basic, flat color replacement for survivors to experience a true, and complete "Restoration".
A skilled and experieced artist can not only create realistic, 3-dimensional portraits of damaged or missing areolas, but can also provide an empowering, symbolic experience for patients.
After everything a survivor endures throughout their treatment, this work can quite literally be their last step, and the way to begin celebrating life again...
Expert Specialty Tattooing
Areola Restoration
Scar Reduction
Collagen Induction Treatments
Scar Coverups
I've been tattooing since 1996, after an in-depth apprenticeship with well-respected master tattoo artist, Shotsie Gorman. It was a very different, and mysterious livelihood back then, yet I was so fortunate to begin learning my craft at such an inspiring time. I've spent my whole career witnessing an entire industry become something more than any of us could even have imagined.
Not even a solid drawing foundation from The School of Visual Arts could fully prepare me for how much tattoo artists actually must learn in this field.
Permanence alone, presents a seriously technical side to tattooing that reaches far beyond drawing ability, and learning to create elaborate works of art that heal perfectly, without causing permanent damage takes years of commitment and dedication. There is no crash course, or any short cuts to understanding how to tattoo safely, and permanently, with living skin. It's the years we've dedicated to this craft that inspires the high level of integrity we have with our clients...